Photograph of the top portion of a bunch of yellow tulips, focused on one flower further forward and lower down, towards the centre, which hasn't fully opened yet, on a dark background.

Notes on the fortnight: 26 April 2024

I’ve had to upgrade some kit recently and to help fund it I sold some older kit, something that doesn’t come naturally to me as I do tend to ‘collect’ things with any sort of sentimental value. My Canon 5D Mark II, which was my first full frame DSLR from all the way back in 2012 and with which I’ve taken not far off 60,000 photographs. My 24-70mm f2.8 lens, which I bought second hand in 2012 and used to take a whopping 150,000ish photos. I sent them to MPB*, which is also where I ended up buying the new (to me) kit from and it all worked out really nicely. I even ended up receiving more than I’d originally been quoted as I’d been over-cautious with my evaluation of their condition, so that was a bonus. The picture above was the last photograph I took with them both.

My new lens, the 24-70mm f2.8 L II USM* arrived in great condition and I enjoyed using it for jobs this week.

This fortnight I’ve shared a couple of recent jobs on my blog: the opening event for David Lock: In Between Us at Firstsite and portraits to accompany an article on social mobility for The Leathersellers’, written by Fiona Thompson. Both were really lovely commissions and you can read more about them by clicking through their links.

It feels like it’s been windy, cold and rainy/hailey here in the UK basically non-stop, but we had a brief reprieve the weekend before last and managed a lovely escape to the seaside! It doesn’t look it from the Instax but it was sunny and warm and I officially ate my first 99 of the year.

Other than that I’ve been meeting new clients; continuing to work on my DYCP – learning, researching and spending time with a local community project; and continuing to notice things as I travel about, logging them on TRIVIAL MATTER.

* This post contains some affiliate links, indicated with a ‘*’ – if you click them and decide to buy something I may receive a small cut of the payment, but it won’t cost you more. Find out more on my affiliates page over on Notes on Travel.


