I hope your year is off to a good start. January’s always a funny month (maybe I say that about most months?) but so far it’s been pretty good. I’ve even got some Christmas chocolate left to eat.
Unbelievably, my DYCP year is complete now, so I’m working hard to keep its spirit alive. You can read my reflection on that time in my post here. One of my main goals in that time was to investigate possible documentary photography projects with local community groups and that’s something I’m continuing to work on. They’re long-term projects, so I’m not rushing to post images yet, but as we find our way I’ll share more.

I’m also continuing my Home / Work project, photographing the workspaces of people who live and work in the same premises. I’ve visited some amazing workspaces this month, which I’ll share on here soon, and I’m always looking for more, in all sorts of industries and all sorts of styles. If you’re interested in being included in the project please get in touch.
I started the year by watching the truly beautiful film Perfect Days by Wim Wenders. It introduced me to the word ‘Komorebi’, which is apparently “the Japanese word for the shimmering of light and shadows that is created by leaves swaying in the wind. It only exists once, at that moment.” Looking for a link to include here I discovered it has an equally beautiful website, which is well worth having a look at.

My first exhibition visit of the year was to Dis-array by Emma Barrow & Olivia Browne at Level Best, which is a response to the everyday, by the artists working in parallel. I really enjoyed it and it’s on until 30 January so there’s time to catch it if you’re in Colchester.
We did a Mystery Guide book in the City of London and discovered tucked away places I knew nothing about and a view of St Paul’s Cathedral I had never seen before.
In the very early hours of the first Sunday of the year my garden was completely covered in snow. When I woke up at the correct time it had all washed away, but the remains of a snowman on a train station platform proved I hadn’t imagined it.
I’m looking forward to continuing projects, collecting more Trivial Matter and the slow increase in daylight as we move towards February. If you’ve got a project you’d like me to get involved with, a home workspace you’d be happy for me to photograph or film/TV series you think I’d like, please get in touch, it would be lovely to hear from you.