It was a funny old summer. Mostly I quietly worked away on my DYCP, built this new website and applied many layers of paint to the the summerhouse we put together in the spring.
We spent a wonderful week exploring Copenhagen and Stockholm, where we had the most delicious food, saw beautiful places and walked for miles and miles. We particularly enjoyed Designmuseum Danmark, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Grinda and Fika is my new favourite pastime.
After our travels we tried to keep the spirit alive by going on long walks in the country and the city, visiting the brilliant Soane’s Museum and Japan House, and I seem to have fallen back into the habit of photographing my meals (the breakfast was at the Chelmsford Business Breakfast Club at Chelmsford Museum, which is a great place to meet with and chat to lovely business owners).
I led a workshop in Disposable camera photography at The Minories gallery in Colchester, and later returned to visit Russel Walker’s brilliant exhibition ‘There or Their Abouts’. The exhibition has closed now but do take a look at his fantastic illustrations on his Instagram page.
I’m revisiting my Home / Work project so I made a zine of previous imagery and visited the home of a friend to photograph her incredible and very unique workspace. It felt good to work on this again! I’m looking for more spaces to photograph so please do get in touch if you/someone you know is interested in being involved.

Of course I rarely have a ‘Notes on…’ blog without mentioning the weather so I’ll end with a photograph of what I promise is snow falling in mid-September in Essex, which unsettled me a great deal.