The Leathersellers' Review. Photograph of the The Leathersellers' Review publication open on a page with a portrait of Cherisa Kya-Scott on the right and 'boosting opportunity at the Leathersellers' Federation of Schools' on the left, photographed on a dark grey background.

Photography for the Leathersellers’ Company: Leathersellers’ Federation of Schools Social Mobility

Earlier this year I was commissioned by the Leathersellers’ Company to photograph an important project they are funding at the Leathersellers’ Federation of Schools, for a feature in their annual review.

The Leathersellers’ Foundation provides a wide range of funding to UK registered Charities, Educational Institutions and University Students. In 2021-22 they awarded £3,339,511 in charitable and educational grants and they expect to spend a similar amount on deserving causes in 2022-23. While I was photographing it was wonderful to meet the people involved, see the impact their funding has on the organisations they support and inspiring to see the work that is being carried out by those charities and educational institutions.

I spent time at the Leathersellers’ Federation of Schools for a feature on the groundbreaking work their social mobility project is carrying out, offering “…intensive one-to-one mentoring and support to a group of 12 students from disadvantaged backgrounds who lack motivation or have high levels of disengagement. In addition it will provide laptops, free wi-fi, residential trips, careers opportunities, extra-curricular activities and extra tuition.” – Paula Ledger, Executive Headteacher at Leathersellers’ Federation of Schools.

I encourage you to read the full feature in the Leathersellers’ Review, which you can read online here, to find out more. It was clear from even the short amount of time that I spent with them that this was something truly special, with deep care at the core. “This role allows me to use all my experience and creativity to inspire young people to achieve their goals. Seeing them light up is everything. I want to help students to work through their fears and celebrate their successes, so they understand that learning can be fun.” – Cherisa Kya-Scott, quoted in the Review.

I’ve included some of the images here and you can read the full feature in the Leathersellers’ Review.

Find out more about the Leathersellers’ Company and read the full feature in the Leathersellers’ Review.


