Photograph looking up at two hollyhocks with peach flowers, with blue sky with small clouds above it and a bit of wooden fence visible to the right of the frame.

Notes on the week: 5 April 2024

It’s been a funny sort of week. Those who read last week’s notes will be pleased to hear I did indeed make it to the pub. I had a lovely Easter weekend with family, have accumulated a pleasing amount of chocolate and we tired ourselves out building a rather larger than anticipated shed/summerhouse.

I sent some films off to be processed last week and I had the scans back from Take It Easy Lab* yesterday (that link should get you 20% off your first order with them if you’d like to try them). The photos were all taken on a Lomography Simple Use Reloadable Camera that I bought last summer. I love disposable cameras, they’re so small to carry about and I really love having physical prints, but I don’t like that the whole camera is disposed of, so this seemed ideal. 

The first roll of film, the one that was preloaded with Lomo’s own film, came out beautifully, and I’ve got some lovely pictures from our trip to Billund in Denmark as well as nice sunny shots when I was generally out and about. After that though, the other rolls haven’t come out so well. It could be that they were mostly expired film, but they all seem to be totally under-exposed, and later on have camera shake. Now the shutter button itself shifted, so I had to just hold the camera ready and wind it on to take a photo, so something’s not right. I bought mine from Speed Graphic, which has since been taken over and the new company has not replied to my email. Had I bought it from Lomo themselves I’d have had more help, they replied to my email even though I hadn’t bought it from them.

If you have a small film camera you recommend that’s like a disposable but is reusable please let me know, I’d love to give another a go.

Photograph of wildflowers with blue and cloudy sky behind.

This makes me think of the cover art by David Carson for one of my favourite albums, The Fragile by Nine Inch Nails.

P.S. Whilst looking up the link for Take It Easy Lab* I discovered their Disposable Directory – what a joy!

* This post contains some affiliate links, indicated with a ‘*’ – if you click them and decide to buy something I may receive a small cut of the payment, but it won’t cost you more. Find out more on my affiliates page over on Notes on Travel.